Monday, April 19, 2010

15 turns in and another appointment!

My cuddlebug... Leonidas

So today is Monday 19APR2010. Almost two weeks since I had the surgery. I have very little bruising left if any. I have turned my little metal friend a total of 15 times, once every morning and once every night since last Monday. I have an appointment today with Dr. Burton, wonder what exciting news I will find out. My stitches are almost all dissolved as well. The are where the stitches were under my lip and on my gum line feels pretty weird, not very smooth. They are probably still a little swollen and puffy. I will ask today if they will go back to being smooth or if they will always be like they are now. I have a tender spot on the right side of my head a little bit higher than the top of my ear, assuming this is from whatever medieval contraption they had my head in during surgery to keep in still. I am still numb in quite a few places, but I expected this because it was one of the first things they warned me about when I started the whole process. It doesn't really bother me though, feels weird that one side of my mouth is normal and the other is still tight with numbness, especially when I try to smile. Not in too much pain though. I can't really feel it when I turn my little device, just a little pressure and then it gone. My lip is probably what bothers me the most now and it isn't excruciating or anything like that. It seems when I do alot during the day or if I talk alot is when it gets aggitated and starts bothering me, it is like my lip starts to feel swollen and the gum underneath it I can start to feel my pulse in it. That is also the only are that I still have stitches so maybe thats why, because it isn't really healed yet. The spot in my throat that the doctors believe was an ulceration feels sooooo much better! They gave me some gross mouth rinse to swallow that would numb it for a little while. I used it the first time and just put the rinse in my mouth and swallowed... that is how I determined that it was disgusting! I spit forever after that! The second time I took the mouth wash I improvised and used a little dropper to put the rinse at the back of my throat instead of all in my mouth. It worked much better this time for me haha. Lidocaine isn't the tastiest no matter what you add to it! I am still on a soft and liquid diet, I am sort of getting tired of ramen though! Believe it or not! My mom left last Thursday to go back to NC... :( Sucks! I wish she was still here, I wish she lived up here! She took great care of me of course! And she planted some flowers for me! She did tons for me while she was here! My little sister Logan took great care of me while she was here too.

Have I mentioned that I have the greatest cuddlebug in the whole wide world? He will lay with me and knock out for hours!

Well I guess I should go get ready for my appointment, I will update later if I find out any interesting news!

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