Monday, March 29, 2010

One Week Until RPE

So there is exactly one week until I get the rapid palatal expander put in my mouth. One week and one day until I have the surgery. I went to Bethesda today to get the spacers put in, I will wear these little blue pain in the butt rubber bands shoved in between four of my teeth for seven days, so until next Monday. I prepared this morning on the way to Bethesda for the pressure by taking two tylenol rapid release gel caps. When I got to work though I started to feel the pressure which led to a headache. After taking four more rapid release's today plus a nap, I still have the headache!

I was going to make dinner but decided that instead we should order chinese tonight. Maybe after eating a little the headache will ease off. I have to find my digital camera charger so I can charge my camera and take before pictures to post. It's about time for that chinese to be arriving so enjoy your evening!

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